Words have power.
Power to change someone’s day.
For better or worse.
We speak words all day long. But do we think about the words
we speak? Do we consider the impact that our words will have on their hearers?
Toby Mac has a song on the radio now called “Speak Life”
that says a lot about the power of our words.
Speak life, speak life
To the deadest darkest night.
Speak life, speak life.
When the sun won’t shine and you don’t know why.
Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted
Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope,
You speak love, you speak….
You speak life, you speak life
What if I spoke life with all my words? What if I chose
words to be the “arms of compassion”? What if my words gave life and hope and
peace to those who heard me? How might my world be a different place?
Just recently a friend put her arm around me and asked
another friend standing there, “did you know this girl is amazing?” It was just
a few simple words but it put a smile on my face. Her words brightened my day
as I was reminded that I am loved.
I went to a gas station last week and got to talking with
one of the attendants. He told me what he’s been praying daily for and then
proceeds to speak negatively in the opposite direction of what he is praying
for. I started talking to him about speaking in faith and not negating his own
prayers. And I got to talking about the power of his words. I felt like I was
preaching to him. But I just recently got done reading a book called The Law of
Confession and just keep thinking about what I speak and what I hear. I find
myself listening to how people speak and taking care of my own words. It’s
insane the amount of junk we say, even in jest! It makes me so sad sometimes
and I wonder how lives might be transformed if we took more care with our words.
I’m still trying to grasp concepts that I read in the Law of Confession book,
but I couldn’t help but wonder how many people might just be “stuck” where they
are because of their words. I know people who feel a tug from God in a
different direction than their current course but feel hopeless about their
current situation ever changing.
Talk, talk, talk. Words, words and more words. It’s not easy
to take care of your words when you are used to speaking pretty much anything
that comes to mind. Speaking and then thinking is all too common for me. I find
myself trying to slow down, to prepare my words in my brain first, to consider
if they even need to be spoken. Will it benefit those who listen?
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” ~Ephesians 4:29(520 words)
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