How will you maintain a cutting edge in your life?
God created me with a destiny in mind. In choosing to fulfill the destiny He has for me, it is essential that I take time to be sharpened, by God and by others (Prov. 27:17). Three areas came to mind where I need to be sharpened by God: I need daily time with Jesus, to study His Word, not just to prepare a study or to teach a class but for personal meditation & growth. Cultivating a prayer life that consumes me must be a top priority. And Scripture memorization must be a regular part of my life – hiding God’s Word in my heart that I might not sin against God (Psalm 119:11).
It’s also important to be sharpened by others. Again, three ideas came to mind as I prayed about this. First, I believe it’s important to maintain a mentoring relationship that allows for genuine accountability. I need to be held accountable in the areas listed above, in my leadership, and in life. It’s vital to find people who will challenge me and spur me on. A second sharpening I see is in reading books/listening to cds related to my calling. This opens the door for learning from others who are on a similar journey. And a third area of sharpening is through determining my God-given priorities/goals each year and then reviewing them on a monthly/quarterly basis. Those who hold me accountable should know these priorities as well. Throughout the year, these priorities should be the basis of my commitments and I must be willing to say “no” to even the good things that come my way, in order to receive that best things that God has in store for me.
The outpouring of ministry comes from the inpouring of Holy Spirit. So I must make spending time in His presence a priority. When I don’t, I get tired, worn down, and open to all sorts of influences. I must set my heart and mind on things above! (Colossians 3:1-2)
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