Now when I talk about highs and lows, I don’t see this as a bad
thing necessarily. I think it’s natural for life to kind of ebb and flow. That
doesn’t mean that we can’t live each moment filled with the peace and joy of
Christ….because we can….that’s the beauty of a Spirit filled life. But due to
circumstances and doing life with people, there are often highs and lows
throughout life.
Take today for instance. It started off well with my usual
Saturday morning walk with a girlfriend. I’m getting to know this girl even
better through these walks and I love that. She is a precious sister in Christ
and I’m honored to spend this time with her. We chat about all sorts of topics
and I learn from her. This morning we were talking about relationships and
learning to be in relationship with another person. We are in different places
in relationship but both still seeking to grow and learn and honor God in these
relationships. And we both want His will for our lives. So she mentions that
there are things she wished she’d known before she got married. Naturally I was
curious so I probed further. She said that she wished she realized that the
main goal of marriage is not to be happy or to make the other person happy.
Happiness is a wonderful byproduct of a good marriage. But the primary purpose
of marriage is to become holy. And becoming holy sometimes (often?) comes
through challenging times, through pain. And it can be through those
challenging times that the dross is cut away and we become more like Jesus.
Later I was listening to the radio when I heard a guy from Casting Crowns
talking about marriage and how it’s a fallacy to believe that marriage will
fill you or complete you. He was exhorting people to realize that we must first
be filled in Christ. “You complete me” is just the stuff of movies. It is God
who completes us, God who fills us, not our significant other. God fills us and
then we can pour into the other person. Between these two things, I was
challenged to consider how I view marriage, how I view relationship. I felt
that strong tugging to keep my focus on God, to keep Him as the center of all
of life and especially in relationship.
Then this afternoon, I reconnected with a friend. And it was
awkward and it was wonderful all at the same time. Who knew those two things
could come together in one situation?! I was surprised and perhaps a little relieved
at the peace that I felt. I felt amazed by the grace of God, a God of second
chances. And I left that situation with great joy.
But it was strange how as the rest of my day progressed, until
this moment where I find myself sitting in Panera typing this post, I found a slight
sense of sadness come over me. Maybe I just wasn’t ready to say goodbye so
soon. Maybe it’s just the letdown that sometimes comes after great moments.
Maybe I’m just tired. Whatever the reason, I feel a little sad tonight. And
that’s what got me thinking about the highs and lows of life. My mom says I
think too much. Well, to be fair, numerous people in my life have said that I
think too much. And it’s true. Hence the writing. It gets the thinking out and
on paper or a screen and keeps the craziness out of my head.
So enough with the craziness. I’m going to read and then sleep.
(661 words)
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