Friday, December 20, 2013

Words, words, words

I need to remind myself to write more often. There's something almost therapeutic about putting words on paper or screen. I may be writing poetry or a story or a devotional....doesn't really matter. Getting the words out of my head and into reality just breathes life in me. It helps me make sense of the chaos. To process the mix of emotions that I tend to experience. To sort out the thoughts that get jumbled in my head. It's cleansing.

Today is a new day and today I have written some words. Perhaps it's a fresh start to an old habit.

There's a knot deep down
An ache that won't go away
Tears pool and threaten to betray
The happy face plastered on

Questions flood my brain
Confusion overwhelms me
Even anger has come to visit
But quickly melts to sorrow

Deep sorrow and pain in the heart
God, You are the healer of broken hearts
The God of peace and hope and joy
How I need You now

Heal my broken heart
Turn my tears into joy
I put my trust in You
Healer of broken hearts

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