Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. ~Psalm 119:105
Consider a lamp shining in the darkness. Generally speaking, a lamp lights up just a few feet in front of you, not a mile down the road. A light is not going to show you what's around the corner, it's going to show you what is right in front of your feet.
So often, I want to see a mile down the path of life. I want to know what's around the next bend. I want to know what the next chapter holds. But that's not how life works. I love this verse that reminds me that His word is the lamp and the light. His word is the guide for my way.
You ever read a book and come to the end of a chapter and there is blank white space? One chapter has ended, but the other has not quite begun. There is white space in between. Right now I feel like I'm living in that white space. Some things in life seem to be wrapping up and changing in ways I wasn't prepared for. And for some time, I've felt a tugging on my heart, a pull in a different direction. What direction? I have no clue. I don't know what the next chapter holds. I don't know what's around the next bend. All I know is today.
And instead of getting lost in doubt and confusion, I am choosing joy and faith. Choosing to dig even deeper into the word that is the lamp for my feet and the light for my path. Believing that He is going to guiding me. Trusting Him to give me His wisdom, in His perfect time.
For now, I'm living in the white space....
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