Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Resolutions - accomplished or not?

Well, this is it. The last day of 2007. The last day to accomplish my goals for this year. Yeah right. If I haven't accomplished them by now, it's not happening.

1. Make lunch for work each day (reduces eating out) - ACCOMPLISHED

2. Study up on the environment & related issues - NOT A CHANCE
Honestly, haven't even had a chance to begin on this one. Perhaps next year.

3. Work out 4x/week - SOME PROGRESS MADE
I did well on this while in PA but not so much since then. It's an ongoing goal.

4. Learn to cook a bit better - SOME PROGRESS MADE
I received a crockpot and cookbook for Christmas. I can't wait to start using them!!!

5. Learn to play the guitar - SOME PROGRESS MADE, THEN HALTED
I had been working on this, but then I moved and then moved again.


7. Visit my parents 3x - ACCOMPLISHED
March, August and December

8. Visit college roommates in CA - HALFDONE
I was able to see Jen in Baltimore, but didn't get to see Shari.

9. Go to Honduras - DEFERRED

10. Go through CASA training - ACCOMPLISHED

11. Share my opinions more often (tactfully, of course) - SOME PROGRESS MADE
I'm working on this!

12. Complete the Run for the Stars (5K) in under 37 minutes - DEFERRED

Overall, I think I did alright. I'll have to re-evaluate what I want to do for 2008. It's nearly time to post a new list.

For the first 5-6 months of the year, these goals were helpful. I kept them in front of me and was intentionally working on them. After that, I lost track of time. While I still made progress on some of them, it was mostly by accident. However, I accomplished much more than I usually do on my new year's resolutions. I think it's worth doing again. It helps me to be more intentional about my time, to think through what I'm going to do in the coming weeks and month. And even though I didn't accomplish all of them, I didn't fail. I simply bit off more than I could chew.

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